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Sunday 24 July 2016

Here Are The Reasons Why You "MUST NOT" Take Cold Water

Why You Should Avoid Drinking Cold Water!!

       Most people like to drink cold water especially during summers/dry season.
Their normal meals usually end up with a glass of cold water, a
bottle of Pepsi-Cola or Coca-Cola etc. This is mostly for the taste
and enjoyment not giving the least thought to what cold water or
chilled drink does.
             Use of cold water soon after the meals increases the chances of
indigestion. It solidifies the fats in the food and also draws energy
from your body to rise to body temperature. Basic purpose of
drinking water is to maintain moisture level in the body.

       The water does so whether cold or hot. If it is warm, it will perform the same
function without causing problems. Apart from the logic, it has
been proved even scientifically that taking cold water after the meals
in harmful for the heart, stomach and general health.
       Normal temperature of our body is 37 degrees Celsius, which is
equivalent to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature the body
function is optimum. More than this is considered as fever while less
than this reduces the working efficiency by inducing general
weakness. For better health, temperature inside the body must
remain normal or else many troubles start brewing underneath and
show up at some stage.

                Drinking warm water is not enjoyable, I agree but I also insist that
good health is more important than enjoying soothing effects of
cold water. If you can develop the habit of drinking warm water in
all seasons, you will not only minimize the risk of heart attack but
also preclude many problems with your digestive system.

             The benefits of drinking warm water are not restricted to just heart and the
stomach. It is the whole body that benefits. Developing this habit
would take some time but try it for few weeks and feel the results.
Remember that your health primarily depends on your dietary
habits, on what you eat and drink.

       I also strongly recommend that one should not take a full glass of
water immediately after the meal. A glassful will not let the
stomach do what it should and rather hinder correct digestion.
Generally, one quarter to half a glass of warm water should be
enough. After an hour or two, you can drink as much as you like
but not cold water. Warm it up before you take. These may seem unenjoyable to you but a must observed for proper health.
    Try to share this with people on your various platforms as many people now indulge in exesive cold water consumption, claiming its a way to cool their body temperature.

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